Cannabis is the most widely used drug in the world, with nearly 200 million people annually estimated to take it in some capacity — a figure that continues to grow as wider mainstream acceptance has given rise to pushes for legalized recreational use. But its popularity may come with significant cognitive consequences, as a new study found that heavy marijuana use during adolescence can lead to a decrease in IQ.

Despite strides made toward LGBTQ equality, individuals with stereotypically “gay-sounding” voices continue to face specific stigma and prejudice regardless of their sexual orientation, and are more vigilant about how their voices are perceived by others, a new study has found.

Health care disparities between racial groups not only persist in clinical settings, but they continue even at the level of resident trainees and physicians-in-training, according to new research out of Yale University.

Using generalized language like, “Girls like art” or, “Boys play sports,” around children may have the unintended consequence of strengthening stereotypes, as kids can infer the opposite for the unmentioned group, processing language in a way once thought to be difficult for youngsters, a new study out of New York University has found.

The adaptations that children gain from growing up in a bilingual household appear to provide cognitive benefits that carry over well into adulthood, a new study has found.

The specific set of stressors brought by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic — including government lockdowns, unemployment fears and general concerns about catching the virus — may have caused a spike in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder around the world, a new Australian study found.

People who experience depressive symptoms by midlife may end up with long-lasting physical health consequences, including diabetes, sleep apnea and hypertension, a new study suggests.

Compulsive behaviors are prevalent worldwide, with millions of people coping with them even without a formal diagnosis. Despite how common these behaviors are, the mechanisms that drive them are still poorly understood. But a new study out of Boston University has taken the first step toward better understanding the drivers of obsessive-compulsive behaviors — and has perhaps uncovered a new drug-free method of treating them.

Emotional responses to stressors vary wildly between individuals, from complete apathy about a situation to blow-out tantrums. Beyond the immediate social benefits of having a measured response to an incident, those who have better control over their emotions might actually be physically aging more gracefully as well, a new study suggests.

Stress, especially that related to work, is a global issue that can create severe mental and physical health problems and have a profound economic impact as a result of impacts on productivity. But a new study out of Japan suggests that such work stress can be significantly mitigated by simply spending time in a green space, such as a park or forest.

Concussions and the health problems that can follow them have been a topic of concern for athletes of all ages, especially for college student athletes who have to balance their class load on top of their performance on the field. But a new study has found that many such college athletes are experiencing persistent concussion-like symptoms without any history of having a concussion.

The rise of the #MeToo movement within the past few years shined a spotlight on the widespread issue of sexual harassment, which many women face in some capacity throughout their lives. But a study from the University of Washington highlights how some women’s claims aren’t always taken as seriously.