Though the United States has the highest number of incarcerated citizens of any country in the world, a new study suggests that American adults don’t view incarceration as being rehabilitative — a stark contrast to the optimism that children show about the same punishment.
Even moderate extended exposure to violent video games can have an impact on the aggression adolescents express over time, a new 10-year study found, underscoring concerns about the influence of franchises such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto on young players.
Introducing computer programs to a clinical setting may provide clinicians with faster, more accurate diagnoses for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a new study out of The Ohio State University suggests.
Though the role of a service animal is often associated with dogs, a new study suggests that cats may provide the kind of companionship that is beneficial to children with autism in particular.
People with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder are far more likely to attempt suicide than those without ADHD, with women being particularly vulnerable to suicidal ideation, according to a large-scale national study out of Canada.
Primary care doctors can provide better care for patients with mental health concerns by simply changing the way they phrase questions regarding self-harm and suicide, a recent study suggests.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on sleep quality and mental health, with women suffering more than men in both areas — a difference that researchers believe may be due to the traditional role of women as caretakers in their homes.
People who suffer from social anxiety tend to spend more time using mobile dating apps such as Tinder, according to a new study — though despite using them more, they’re less likely to initiate contact with matches than their less anxious peers.
Villains in fictional media often become some of the most popular characters in their respective franchises, appearing on merchandise, starring in spinoffs and accruing large, dedicated fanbases. But new research suggests that individuals who are drawn strongly to such antagonists may have less-than-savory personality traits themselves.
People who experience depression during their youth are at increased risk of numerous illnesses and even premature death later in life, according to an extensive study conducted by researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
Robots can push people to engage in riskier behavior, according to recent research, underscoring how technology can shape human decision-making and risk-taking.
Teenagers who are unsatisfied with their physical appearance are at a notably heightened risk of developing depression by the time they become adults, researchers found, with boys at a nearly threefold risk of severe depression as a result of body dissatisfaction.