Patrick Hoff
Senior Editor, Business & Economics and Social Sciences
@PatrckHoffPatrick Hoff, based in Boston, is the senior editor for Business & Economics and Social Sciences for The Academic Times. Prior to that, Patrick worked at the Charleston Regional Business Journal as a staff writer covering aerospace, banking and finance, real estate, and the Port of Charleston, among other topics. Patrick graduated with a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Massachusetts.
Average annual returns for Lego sets are comparable to those of fine art, wine and stamps, according to a group of U.K. researchers, potentially making the multigenerational construction toys a relatively safe alternative asset class for investors.
Corporate bailouts impose severe costs on society and may be an overused way to handle companies on the brink of collapse, two economists argue in a new research paper, raising questions about the effectiveness of federal bailout funds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Employees are more likely to select an employer-sponsored health insurance plan that was “grandfathered” into compliance with the Affordable Care Act than a plan created after the law passed in 2010, according to recent research, suggesting that flexible options are crucial as U.S. lawmakers consider further health care reform.
Deaths from the coronavirus cost the world $3.5 trillion through the first half of the year, 40% of which was borne by the United States despite the country accounting for only a quarter of the deaths over the time period.
An entrepreneur’s enthusiasm for their technology startup is the most important important determinant of early-stage valuation, with little differences between the approaches of venture capitalists and angel investors, according to new research from several German economists.
Native-born U.S. workers experience an economy-wide boost in productivity and welfare as a result of immigration when it occurs in combination with technological progress, according to new research.
Wide disparities in education may account for nearly half of the growth in U.S. income inequality since the 1970s, with a surge in highly educated workers serving as a predominant force in widening the gap, according to new research.
Countries with better digital infrastructure may be able to counteract some of the negative economic effects of COVID-19 and future pandemics, according to new research, creating increased urgency for investment in places where internet access is not equitably distributed.
Altruism, risk aversion, and health concerns do not appear to affect whether college students comply with stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, a new study shows, calling into question the efficacy of relying on individual motivations to enforce public policy.
Manufacturers are likely poised to bounce back strongly from COVID-19 disruptions, with enhanced focus on supply chain resiliency and on bringing operations back to U.S. shores, economists said in a new study.
U.S. municipalities' increasing dependence on sales tax revenue is putting them more at risk of deep fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new economic study.
Women making more money than their male partners is less likely to lead to dissatisfaction in or the end of a marriage or cohabiting relationship than in previous decades with female breadwinning more accepted and male breadwinning less the norm, according to new research.