PTSD sufferers are among those more likely to attempt suicide. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)
PTSD sufferers are among those more likely to attempt suicide. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)A team of researchers from Brazil has developed a new, “highly accurate” algorithm that is able to predict suicide attempts in the general population — including identifying psychological disorders or life crises that may put people at greater risk of attempting suicide.

There may be a painless way to help patients deal with compulsive behaviors. (Pixabay/Pete Linforth)
There may be a painless way to help patients deal with compulsive behaviors. (Pixabay/Pete Linforth)Compulsive behaviors are prevalent worldwide, with millions of people coping with them even without a formal diagnosis. Despite how common these behaviors are, the mechanisms that drive them are still poorly understood. But a new study out of Boston University has taken the first step toward better understanding the drivers of obsessive-compulsive behaviors — and has perhaps uncovered a new drug-free method of treating them.

Bitcoin should be regulated as technology, researchers say. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
Bitcoin should be regulated as technology, researchers say. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies should be classified as technology and be regulated primarily by private sector tech firms in order to best prevent the digital currency from being used for money laundering and terrorist financing, three researchers have argued in a new paper.

Free laptops aren't having the intended effect. AP Photo/David Zalubowski
Free laptops aren't having the intended effect. AP Photo/David ZalubowskiProviding schoolchildren with personal laptops does not lead to improvement in their standardized test scores and even worsens academic performance among students of lower socioeconomic status, according to a new study using data from Sweden.

White supremacists behind the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, exhibited a greater level of planning and coordination than in any previous violent shows of strength by hate groups, a first-of-its-kind study found — an event that researchers say bears “startling” resemblances to the recent assault on the U.S. Capitol.

VR lessons might be as effective as real-life ones, according to a new study. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
VR lessons might be as effective as real-life ones, according to a new study. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)Education tools based on virtual reality and mixed reality technology produce higher student engagement than traditional learning methods and are just as effective, according to new research.

Behavior observation is one traditional way to diagnose ADHD. Now there may be a better way. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)
Behavior observation is one traditional way to diagnose ADHD. Now there may be a better way. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)Introducing computer programs to a clinical setting may provide clinicians with faster, more accurate diagnoses for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a new study out of The Ohio State University suggests.

Time-lapse gradient light interference microscopy, or GLIM, left, and phase imaging with computational specificity imaged over seven days. (Popescu group)
Time-lapse gradient light interference microscopy, or GLIM, left, and phase imaging with computational specificity imaged over seven days. (Popescu group)An artificial intelligence-powered imaging method developed by a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign research group can capture live cells without using fluorescent dyes, which are toxic to some specimens.

A recent study found that robots can provoke riskier behavior in humans. (Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash)
A recent study found that robots can provoke riskier behavior in humans. (Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash)Robots can push people to engage in riskier behavior, according to recent research, underscoring how technology can shape human decision-making and risk-taking.

Native-born U.S. workers experience an economy-wide boost in productivity and welfare as a result of immigration when it occurs in combination with technological progress, according to new research.

A man uses his computer while sitting on a building roof. (Avi Richards, Unsplash)
A man uses his computer while sitting on a building roof. (Avi Richards, Unsplash) Countries with better digital infrastructure may be able to counteract some of the negative economic effects of COVID-19 and future pandemics, according to new research, creating increased urgency for investment in places where internet access is not equitably distributed.