
Mind & Behavior, Business & Economics, Law & Politics
Insurance companies refuse to pick up bill for treating eating disorders

By Ariane Lange

Computing & Robotics, Law & Politics
Letter first sealed in Renaissance Europe virtually unfolded

By Nathan Worcester

Mind & Behavior, Law & Politics
Meth, marijuana seizures spike amid pandemic

By Theo Wayt

Law & Politics, Life Sciences
Undercover audit shows rehab centers use hard-sell tactics. Addicts might not need the care they're selling.

By Reece Wallace

Law & Politics
Americans are losing faith in each other. But the situation isn't beyond repair, researchers say.

By Reece Wallace

Law & Politics
Democracy now threatened at its roots, according to wide-ranging anthropological analysis

By Reece Wallace

Mind & Behavior, Law & Politics
Gardening may prevent mental illness

By Beth Newhart

Law & Politics, Mind & Behavior
Nonconsensual nudes are a problem on college campuses. Frats and sports teams are making it worse.

By Ariane Lange

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