Reece Wallace
Reporter, Social Sciences and Business & Economics
Reece Wallace, based in Houston, Texas, covers Business & Economics and Social Sciences for The Academic Times. He holds a master's degree from the University of Chicago and a BA from Tufts University.

Cities that make sudden cuts to their police forces could be inviting a lasting crime surge, new research suggests, with municipalities that lay off police officers in times of fiscal strain potentially trading public safety for a balanced budget.
Women who support European far-right parties typically don’t come from socially conservative or blue-collar backgrounds, unlike their male counterparts, according to new research, a finding that complicates prevailing narratives about how such parties appeal to the voting public.
Muslim Americans face greater distrust and prejudice in broader U.S. society on account of their religion than Arab Americans experience based on their ethnicity, even while they engage in quintessentially “American” forms of civic and political participation, new research suggests.
Raising spending limits on political campaigns has cut down on electoral competition and amplified the advantages of incumbents in the UK, according to new research, and could also impact election dynamics in democracies around the world.
U.S. Senate candidates stand to gain an edge by shunning their party’s sitting president if they’re running for office in a state where opposition voters are clustered, according to new research.
Supporters of a political party change their policy views “immediately and substantially” after that party switches its position on an issue, new research suggests, a sign that political elites could be shaping the opinions of the voters whose views they’re supposed to represent.
White conservatives who believe that refugees will back the Republican Party become more likely to favor policies welcoming the new arrivals to the United States, according to recent research, while white liberal support for refugees falls when they learn the same information.
Particular cultural values are correlated with widespread belief in conspiracy theories, new research shows, posing a challenge for countries and governments struggling to combat the influence of such ideas.
White and Black Americans’ different judgments on the facts and circumstances of police shootings are best explained by each group’s preexisting beliefs concerning police bias and the likely culpability of victims, new research concluded, exposing thorny obstacles in the quest to build civic trust among social groups and the institutions sworn to protect them.
Contrary to the widespread belief that many or most citizens reward elected officials for their shows of opposition to political foes, new evidence suggests that Americans still prefer representation by leaders they believe share their policy views and are responsive to their constituents.